The words "Sola Scriptura" simply means "by Scripture Alone" in English. In other words, The Bible is the sole infallible source of authority for Christian faith and practice.
Today we see many people seeking after another source of entertainment and they turn to the church. Their meetings get overly emotional, spiritual and, well, plain goofy. I'm glad folks want to turn to God for answers in life, but care must be taken on where you attend worship services.
Too many preachers offer what amounts to good advice. I call it a "therapeutic gospel." Everything is meant to appeal to happiness in life.
Now, you may say, "What's wrong with that? I want answers to life! I want to be happy!"
But, too many churches approach Christianity in what is really an American worldview: What can I get out of this? How can I get my bills paid? How can I stay healthy? The scriptures in the Bible are mentioned and lots of good advice given, all appealing to our human nature.
The issue is that true joy, true happiness comes with a close relationship with the living God, in the form of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. And, this is an ongoing relationship, too. It comes from studying the Bible, a life of prayer and fellowship with like-minded believers. Sure, God wants to meet our basic needs but attitude of a true believer is :
What can I do for God, for others, for my family as opposed to what do I get out of this church thing?
What this blog is intended to do is to help you turn to a true Christian life via Sola Scriptura or the sole authority for believers. We don't need extra-Biblical experiences, we don't need high-emotion worship services. We just need Him!
Keep coming back for insights into this kind of life.