Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Who Was Phineas Bresee? (part one)

 One of the leaders of the late 19th Century church in America was Phineas Bresee, an anointed preacher and pastor of the holiness movement that was so prevalent in those days. However, like all good things, those churches got legalistic and full of the ideas of man, so Bresee left the Methodist Church and began the Church of the Nazarene in 1895. Now, more than 125 years later, the Nazarene Church remains a solid, Biblical group of Bible-believing people.

What did Bresee believe as foundation for his new group of churches? I take a look at his life through the eyes of Carl O. Banks, author of Bresee's biography.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Apologetics - Helping You Understand God's Word Better

Several weeks ago I created a video with a few comments on the heals of an outburst of riots and protests in most American cities. While I was putting together the notes on the topic, I realized that we all need help on a regular basis to understand our world in which we live better. The best way to do that is to know God's word better, for it will shine the light on troubling issues we encounter.

 Here is that video: 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Kicking Over Sacred Cows, Part 2

Ever hear someone holler "I bind your Satan!"? Or how about - in a prayer - , "I loose money into my bank account"? It is part of a popular nomenclature in the Church to spiritually bind and loose. The problem is it is a prayer practice that is taken out of context. In this video I address this issue. Please watch!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Kicking Over Sacred Cows, Pt. 1

A big stumbling block in the life of many Christians is accepting doctrines of men as a doctrine of God. Some are worse than others, however, believing everything you hear from the pulpit, whether it be the one at your church or one that uses the small screen to minister, is not good. We all must use discernment and go back to the Bible to check out those things. In part one of this series, here is a great brother-in-the-Lord, Justin Peters discussing the notion that we must pray to get God to intervene in a situation. What Justin says is that God never leaves, he's always involved. Please watch:

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Trials? Count It As All Joy!

My wife is the senior pastor of the First Church of the Nazarene in Sacramento. On this Mothers' Day weekend she recorded an excellent message, targeting mothers, yet very applicable to all of us. It dealt with the anxiety and trials experienced by women with children now at home, trying to "go to school"remotely, while mom has her own job or jobs to tend to. This is a message worth your time to watch/listen to!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Benefits of Justification

Did you know there are benefits to being justified in the sight of God?

There is and in this video, I expand on what the Word says in Romans Chapter 5 on this topic.